Call for Applications
Short-Term Fellowships for the Academic Year July 2022-June 2023 at ICAS:MP
The M.S. Merian – R. Tagore International Centre of Advanced Studies “Metamorphoses of the Political: Comparative Perspectives on the Long Twentieth Century” (ICAS:MP), a project under the aegis of the Max Weber Forum for South Asian Studies, advertises multiple fellowships for the academic year July 2022-June 2023.
Call for Applications
Horizon Europe: 2021 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships (PF)
The calls for applications for the MSCA – Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA-PF) under the Horizon Europe programme are now open.
Call for Applications
DAAD Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience (PRIME) 2021/22
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) invites applications from qualified post-doctoral researchers for temporary positions at German universities under the PRIME programme for supporting the international mobility of post-doc researchers.
Call for Nominations – Max Planck Partner Groups
Calling outstanding junior scientists and postdocs! The call for nominations for Max Planck Partner Groups is now open. The Max Planck Partner Groups are intended for junior scientists or postdocs who have obtained their doctorate no longer than seven years ago (medicine: nine years). They must have spent a minimum of 12 months at an MPI before returning to a research institution in their home country. Partner Groups are supported for up to five years with €20,000 p.a. provided from MPG central funds. Funds can be used to cover expenses for travel, workshops, doctoral students/postdocs and minor equipment.
Web Session on DAAD Funding Opportunities for Cooperation
The DAAD New Delhi is organising a web session for researchers, faculty, academicians and institutional representatives from institutions in India and the region (Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan). The web session will focus on initiating cooperation and cooperation-based funding opportunities. The web session will be held on Thursday, 11 March from 16:00 to 18:00 IST.
Call for Applications
Dorothea Schlözer Postdoctoral Programme for Female Postdocs
The Presidential Board of the Georg-August-University Göttingen – Public Law Foundation – offers support for young academics in the form of 2 positions (TV-L 13, 100%, term of 2 years) for female postdocs.
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