DWIH Network Day in Munich, Germany

The Bavarian Academic Center for Latin America (BAYLAT), the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy (StMWi), and the central office of DWIH in the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), invites you to the DWIH Network Day in Munich. The event will take place on June 22 and will bring together representatives of the DWIH locations New Delhi, New York, San Francisco, São Paulo and Tokyo for the first time.
Event Information
June 22, 2023, 1:30 PM to 6:00 PM
Munich, Germany
Organizer(s): BAYLAT, StMWi and DWIH
The participants, especially members of Bavarian universities, will have the opportunity to gain insights into the DWIH activities in India, the USA, Brazil and Japan through descriptive short presentations, and to learn first-hand more about the services offered by the DWIHs and about participation opportunities in this worldwide network. In addition, an interactive part in the form of a World Café with topic tables is on the agenda and in-depth individual discussions with the representatives of the individual houses are planned.
You can register by June 12, participation in the event is free of charge but required.