Transnational Education: Insights into the international discourse and global trends

Event Information
November 18, 2020, 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Organizer(s): DAAD
Registration for this event are closed now.
John McNamara, Global Head of Research, International Education Services, The British Council
Dr. Alexander Kupfer, Senior Expert, Transnational Education, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
John McNamara will present his views on the main findings of the report “‘Transnational Education: A classification framework and Data Collection Guidelines for International Programme & Provider Mobility (IPPM)”, as well as provide an update on recent TNE policy developments and global trends, including recent development in India. The report was co-authored by John McNamara and Dr. Jane Knight jointly commissioned by the British Council and the DAAD.
Dr. Alexander Kupfer will give an insight into the transnational education approach of German higher education institution and will present selected TNE projects funded by the DAAD.
The event will take place over WebEx.