Indo-German Dialogue: Young Innovators

The German House for Research and Innovation, DWIH New Delhi organized the Indo-German Dialogue (IGD): Young Innovators with the support of Technical University of Munich in Delhi, Bengaluru and Mumbai. Hosted by partner institutes namely IIT Delhi, Christ University, Bengaluru and IIT Bombay, this half-day event took place on 13th, 15th and 18th November respectively. Featuring a group of young German and Indian researchers and entrepreneurs working in multidisciplinary fields, IGD provided an interesting forum to these young minds to share their award winning and impactful work with their peers thus engaging in a dialogue and exchange of ideas.
Enlightening the stage with their innovation, the very firsts to introduce their concept were Technical University of Munich’s Mariana Avezum and Thomas Ruck – the brains behind the very famous WARR Hyperloop project. Based on the idea of transportation through long low pressure tubes equipped with levitating pods, the project that was initially a mere idea started two years back. Acquiring first position at both the Hyperloop SpaceX Pod Competitions initiated by Elon Musk, the team that is preparing for the third competition not only narrated their success story to the audience present; but also stated the failures and challenges that made their whole journey as young innovators so memorable. Following this, an intriguing presentation came from another German speaker Marcella Hansch- the founder of Pacific Garbage Screening, an NGO that works on separating plastics from Oceans. Moreover, a nascent thought just on papers at the moment, Ms Hansch’s experience did set the audience thinking of how each one can contribute to this noble cause of saving the Oceans, besides also deliberating on how to turn their own entrepreneurial ideas to reality.
Giving a tough competition to these thought-provoking concepts of the German participants, the Indian researchers and entrepreneurs too impressed the audience with their research skills and entrepreneurial sensibilities. While IIT Delhi witnessed the unparalleled work done by Aravind S.A. and Srinivas Adepu in developing Flex Crutch – a crutch that helps cut-out on stress as against the prolonged use of usual crutches, Christ University students were left fascinated with Mr Arun Aggarwal’s extensive work in the field of maternal and child healthcare through his organisation Janitri. Beyond this, IIT Bombay’s Dr Rajul Patkar also shared her story of developing a sensor based smart irrigation system, its impact on agriculture and setting up SoilSenS, thus marking the end of a successful IDG tour.
Graced by dignitaries from the universities, IGCC, TUM and DAAD, IGD facilitated budding entrepreneurs, researchers and leaders at all three venues to gain practical knowledge about entrepreneurship. In this regard, the presentations stirred discussions around common topics such as sponsorships and project funding, project management, patenting and other legal paperwork amongst many others. Hence, yet multidisciplinary, the IGD: Young Innovators true to its name subscribed to the essence of young innovation and promoted entrepreneurship – where everything starts with a just small idea be it INDIA or GERMANY.
Date: Monday, November 13, 2017 to Saturday, November 18, 2017