MPG invites application from female scientists for tenure track and leadership positions

The Max Planck Society invites outstanding applicants to apply for tenure-track Lise Meitner Research Group Leader positions. The purpose of the Lise Meitner Excellence Program is to increase the number of excellent women scientists in the Max Planck Society, a world-leading, independent, non-profit research organization with the goal to promote cutting edge basic research, within 84 Max Planck Institutes.

The successful candidates will be offered a Lise Meitner Research Group at a suitable Max Planck Institute for an initial period of six years plus one additional year for parental leave. The funding package includes a W2 tenure-track position (equivalent to Assistant/Associate Professor), resources for scientific staff and  running costs as well as a start-up package. Upon successful tenure evaluation, latest five years after the start of the group, the W2 position and financial support will be continued. Further career development is possible including consideration for a Max Planck Director position within the Max Planck Society

Application Deadline : Wednesday, April 10th, 2024.

For further information, please view the factsheet here.