Indo-German Dialogue: Young Innovators 13-18 November 2017 New Delhi – Bengaluru – Mumbai

© DWIH New Delhi

Event Information

November 13 to 18, 2017

New Delhi, Bengaluru, Mumbai
Organizer(s): DWIH - German Centre for Research and Innovation New Delhi, Technical University Munich (TUM)

The German House for Research and Innovation (DWIH) – New Delhi together with Technical University Munich (TUM) and its partner institutes in India will organize an Indo-German Dialogue : Young Innovators in November 2017. In the form of an interactive forum, it will cover the cities of Delhi, Bangalore and Mumbai which are some of the important centers of innovation in India.

The forum will be a half a day event. It will feature a group of young researchers, leaders and entrepreneurs from India and Germany who will present their award winning and impactful work to their peers. The topics are slated to be multidisciplinary with a larger technical and social context to it. This event, as its name suggests will provide a platform for both the speakers and the audience, for a dialogue and exchange of ideas.

Young generation of researchers also play an instrumental role in driving research for the development in scientific, commercial as well as in the field of social change. India and Germany, both countries are incubators of innovation and can boast of their dynamic Startup culture-ideas of which are very often generated by young talent. Both the countries have a long standing and fruitful partnership in several sectors- science, technology and research being one of the major ones. There is a continuous rise in work on bilateral projects in these fields and exchange of young researchers as well. In this context the broader idea of the Indo-German Dialogue will also be to connect younger generation of both the countries to initiate opportunities for a possible cooperation. At the same time, it will showcase Germany as a destination for research and innovation, as all the speakers have carried all or a part of their research in Germany.


Schedule for New Delhi

Venue – IIT Delhi
Date – 13th November 2017
Time – 16:30 – 18:30

Time Programme
16:30 h – 16:45 h Registration and Refreshments
16:45 h – 17:00 h Welcome Address
1. Dr Ramgopal Rao, Director, IIT Delhi (TBC)
2. Ms. Heike Mock, Director DAAD/DWIH, New Delhi
3. Ms. Hanna Kriebel, Liason Officer, TUM Mumbai
17:00 h – 17:30 h
17:30 h – 18:00 h
18:00 h – 18:30 h
Mr. Thomas Ruck and Ms. Mariana Avezum, Team WARR Hyperloop TUM
Ms. Marcella Hansch, Pacific Garbage Screening
Speaker(s) from IIT Delhi
18:30 h End of Session/Informal Networking

Schedule for Bengaluru

Venue – Christ University, Bengaluru
Date – 15th November 2017
Time – 13:00 – 16:00

Time Programme
13:00 h – 13:20 h Registration
13:20 h – 14:00 h Welcome Address
1. Chancellor/ Vice-Chancellor (TBC)
2. Dr. Suniti Phadke, Dean of International Affairs (TBC)
3. Mr. Apoorv Mahendru, Deputy Director DAAD, New Delhi
4. Regional Director, IGCC Bengaluru (TBC)
14:00 h – 14:30 h
14:30 h – 15:00 h
15:00 h – 15:30 h
15:30 h – 16:00 h
Mr. Thomas Ruck and Ms. Mariana Avezum, Team WARR Hyperloop TUM
Ms. Marcella Hansch, Pacific Garbage Screening
Mr. Arun Aggarwal, JANITRI Innovations Pvt. Ltd.
Q & A and discussions
16:00 h End of Session/Informal networking

Schedule for Mumbai

Venue – IIT Mumbai
Date – 18th November 2017
Time – 11:00 – 13:00

Time Programme
11:00 h – 11:15 h Registration and Refreshments
11:15 h – 11:30 h Welcome Address
1. Mr Devang Khakar, Director, IIT Bombay (TBC)
2. Ms. Heike Mock, Director DAAD/DWIH, New Delhi
3. Ms. Hanna Kriebel, Liason Officer, TUM Mumbai
11:30 h – 12:00 h
12:00 h – 12:30 h
12:30 h – 13:00 h
Mr. Thomas Ruck, Team WARR Hyperloop TUM
Ms. Marcella Hansch, Pacific Garbage Screening
Speaker(s) from IIT Bombay
13:00 h End of Session/Informal networking

Event Report

Read the event report here.