Societal Transformations for a Resilient Future

The recent pandemic, the current economic and climate crisis highlight the importance of resilient societies. In the panel discussion, experts from sociology, anthropology, pedagogy, and feminist studies will examine the complex societal developments for a resilient future. They will provide an interdisciplinary outlook into various mechanisms that ensure durable and stable social systems.

Event Information

September 8, 2022, 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM

Organizer(s): DAAD India, DWIH New Delhi, ICAS:MP Metamorphosis of the Political, Max Weber Forum for South Asian Studies


The panel discussion is a part of DAAD’s Early Career Research Symposium on the topic of Resilient Societies that takes place from 6 – 8 September 2022.

Jointly organised by the German Academic Exchange Service, the Max Weber Forum for South Asian Studies and ICAS:MP Metamorphosis of the Political, the symposium will offer a platform for early career researchers to showcase their work in the overarching subject of Resilient Societies. Topics range from Public Health, Governance, Crisis & Conflict, Urbanity, Sustainability, etc.

More details on the event