DWIH Workshop: Grant Writing and Management, Varanasi

India Offices of Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG) and University of Cologne (UoC), in association with German Centre for Research and Innovation (DWIH), New Delhi, are organizing a 3 full-days workshop on “Grant Writing & Management”.
Venue: Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
Event Information
November 7 to 9, 2019
Organizer(s): DWIH New Delhi, Max Planck Society, University of Cologne
Course Description
Grant writing is a skill that requires hard work and practice, and it can have a significant impact on a research career of a junior scientists. Despite having a good scientific training, one may need to work on the scientific writing skills.
The concept of the workshop is to illustrate the methods and technical know-how required to prepare successful international research proposals irrespective of a certain disciplinary field. The workshop will cover topics from content development of a research proposal to budget planning. This model of specialized workshops has proven successful in the German research landscape.
You are eligible to apply, if you meet the following criteria:
PhD scholars, post-doctoral researchers and above
Affiliated to an academic institution
Be preferably at the beginning or middle stages of your research career
The outstation participants will have to make their own arrangements for travel and accommodation at their own costs.
The Experts will share knowledge on important principles of grant writing that are independent of a certain disciplinary field and on fundamental structural elements that are required by most of the international funding organizations.
In addition, we will also invite experts from German Academic Exchange Service, German Research Foundation and European Union to share the funding opportunities available in their respective organisations and countries.
Important Information:
50 participants will be selected on the basis of the quality of their resumé and exposé. Please note that your application does not guarantee confirmation of your participation. Selected candidates will be notified by email of their participation.
At the end of workshop, the participants will receive a Certificate of Participation.
Application Process and Contact Details
Applications can be submitted at de.grantwriting@gmail.com
Submit your a brief 1-page resumé of your academic career along with a research abstract.
Deadline for applications is: 15th October 2019, 1700 Hrs Indian time.
Contact and Information:
Ms Poonam-Sehgal Suri (MPG India Office)/
Dr Amisha Jain (University of Cologne, India Office)
E-Mail: de.grantwriting@gmail.com