Climate Research in Germany: Platforms, Policy Papers and Research Projects

As a hotspot for climate (and climate change) research, Germany is also at the forefront of policy, research, and innovation revolving around Cities and Climate in the European Union.
Here is a list of some of these platforms, policy papers, and research projects (not exhaustive).
EU-Mission Area: Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities
The new R&I funding program of the European Union, Horizon Europe, incorporates research and innovation missions to increase the effectiveness of funding by pursuing clearly defined targets. Climate-neutral and smart cities is one of five missions.
Innovation Platform City of the Future
To secure the sustainable development of cities and rural communities, experts from local authorities, research, businesses and civil society launched in 2013 the National Platform City of the Future. The initiative is by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Federal Environment Ministry under the participation of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure. This platform is available only in German.
Urban Climate Under Change
Project as a part of research funding programme by the Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) pursuing the goal of further developing the new urban climate model PALM-4U (developed in the first phase) into a product that meets the needs of municipalities and other practical users as well as scientific research.
Earth System Knowledge Platform - Focus Paper on Cities and Climate
ESKP (Earth System Knowledge Platform) is the knowledge platform of the Research Field Earth and Environment by the Helmholtz Association. The Focus Paper “Cities and Climate Change” has been developed from the Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) in cooperation with the KfW Development Bank.
MOSAIK - Model-based City Planning and Application in Climate Change
The central goal of MOSAIK, a research project, is the development of a new, modern, user-friendly, highly-efficient, and high-resolution urban climate model (UCM), which allows simulations of large cities of size of up to 2.000 km² with grid-resolved buildings.
Climate Action Plan 2050 – Germany's Long-Term Emission Development Strategy
The Climate Action Plan 2050 maps out the process for achieving Germany’s climate targets for all areas of action in line with the Paris Agreement: Energy supply, the buildings and transport sectors, industry and business, agriculture and forestry.
Policy Paper - Sustainable Cities- Inclusive, Green and Competitive
Policy Paper by the Indo-German Expert Group on Green and Inclusive Economy. The group is supported by the German Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) and facilitated by the GIZ Environmental Policy Programme in Berlin and the Indo-German Environment Partnership in Delhi.
Zukunftsstadt - Strategische Forschungs- und Innovationsagenda
Research and innovation plan for sustainable cities by the Federal Ministry of Research and Education. The report is only available in German.
Disclaimer: The list here of reports and policy papers is not exclusive or exhaustive and intends to provide a reference on the topic to the readers. The information provided on this page has been sourced from third party websites. The DWIH is not liable for the content of any websites run by third parties and hence not responsible for any data or information mentioned in these reports or policies. This remains solely the responsibility of the third parties.
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