Indo-German Research Day

Explore the Indian and German research landscape, join interactive discussions, and discover opportunities for research funding and projects across disciplines. Meet 24 research institutions, universities, funding bodies & international agencies and take your research career and international research cooperation forward.

Upcoming edition!

For the 2024 edition of the Indo German Research Day, click here! 


International Cooperation as a driver for Research and Innovation

International Cooperation as a driver for Research and Innovation

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Event Information

February 24, 2022, 12:30 PM to 6:30 PM

Organizer(s): DWIH New Delhi


Gender Equality in Research: Looking beyond Gender Parity

Gender Equality in Research: Looking beyond Gender Parity

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Despite discussions, policies and special initiatives, gender equality in research is far from achieved. In the panel we will discuss experiences, institutional, national and international perspectives on the topic. Get insights into global studies on reducing the gender gap in science and the need for institutions to look beyond gender equality in recruitment and careers.

Funding: Opportunities for International Research Cooperation

Funding: Opportunities for International Research Cooperation

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Germany and India offer manifold funding opportunities for international researchers ranging from short term research stays to full PhDs and Post-Doctoral research. Find out more about the funding schemes by the German and Indian Government, gain insights into the application procedures and get your questions answered.

Science Communication: Creating Public Trust in Science

Science Communication: Creating Public Trust in Science

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The covid-19 crisis highlights the importance of communication for science literacy, for creating public trust in science and evidence-based decision making. Experts on the panel will discuss how science communication has transitioned in the pandemic, the current trends and need for participative science communication.

Open Access: Policies and Initiatives

Open Access: Policies and Initiatives

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Despite agreements for transformative open access, it is reported that 85% of the research outputs in the world are still behind paywalls inhibiting easy access for researchers. Experts will discuss the current discourse on open access, policies and initiatives taken to enable open access to researchers and citizens alike.


a) Panel Discussions: get insights into the research perspectives, policies and studies by international organisations on the topics of Gender Equality in Research, Funding, Open Access, and Science Communication.

b) Networking Area: meet and interact with researchers, policy advisors, experts and peers from leading universities, research institutes and funding bodies.

c) Virtual Fair: interact with representatives from 24 research institutions, universities and funding bodies who are key players in the research. Discover funding opportunities and projects available for joint research across disciplines.